My Top 5 Upcycling Furniture Ideas

Tin Cans

Tin Cans


If you’re keen on saving money, you like the idea of upcycling, but you don’t know where to start, here are some simple projects to try out first of all.

1. Replace boring handles and door knobs with funky ones. It will make a lot of difference and adds character.

2. Turn tin cans into cute storage jars by simply adding some wallpaper around them.

3. Have an old display cabinet? Basically all you need to do is add some wall paper to the back of the cabinet to add colour and texture.

4.  Paint dull furniture with pastel colours. All you need to do is sand it down first.

5.  Make a patchwork blanket. Gather different patterned and coloured fabrics, cut them into squares and stitch them all together for a unique design.


Adjusted drawer handles

Adjusted drawer handles

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