My visit to knitting and knatter

Knitting and Knatter Retford

Knitting and Knatter Retford

ON Monday 28th April, this reporter went to check out her local Knitting and Knatter session and she loved it!

The atmosphere was calm yet friendly.

There were not many in attendance but she was later assured that it can very busy sometimes.

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The Great British Sewing Bee Review

Presenter and Judges of the Great British sewing Bee

Presenter and Judges of the Great British sewing Bee



At the prospect of the mainstream sewing programme, this reviewer began to get rather excited.

With a past life predisposition , this reviewer has always been interested in arts and crafts but there is not enough information out of there in this particular hobby to get people involved in the modern age.

Often, teens might assume that no one under the age of 70 takes up this fantastic past time, but that is not true and here is why.

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5 reasons to visit a thrift shop

A thrift store, is basically another modern term for a charity shop. A place to donate your old products for the benefit of others.

Everything from clothes, electrical items and furniture can be donated and they are definitely the place to go!

The popular rap artist, Macklemore, has recently showcased examples with his very catchy hit, Thrift Shop sending sales through the roof.

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A simple way to upcycle a playsuit.

My playsuit

My playsuit

My playsuit

My playsuit



I bought a playsuit yesterday, on a trip around town, but on my way home the carrier back that the playsuit was in got snagged on a railing which impaled the bag and even worse, created holes on the shoulder of my playsuit! I was absolutlely devastated. What on earth would I do now?

Holes in fabric

Holes in fabric

So, after a little think, i decided to this would make a great post to add to my website.

I began by measuring the affected area, which was on the back of the playsuit.

Measuring the affected area

Measuring the affected area

After this, I had a look in my ribbon box for some black ribbon that would measure up to the size that I wanted it and luckily I found some straight away.

I cut off two strips that measured in the length I needed them.

Cutting the ribbon to size

Cutting the ribbon to size

Measuring the correct distance from the top

Measuring the correct distance from the top

Then I placed them on to the back side of the playsuit, one on each strap so that they would match, and I pinned them into place.

Pinning the ribbon into place.

Pinning the ribbon into place.

Then I back- stitched the ribbons into place.



Its as simple as that and I’ve got to say, personally I think it looks great. You can’t even tell!


The Arts and Crafts Movement


Arts and Crafts Movement

Arts and Crafts Movement

WHO has not heard of the term ‘arts and crafts’?

Why do we associate the two words together?

Back in 1880, in Britain, due to the up-rise in industrialism, theorist and critic John Ruskin and the designer, writer and activist William Morris, decided they wanted to reintroduce handmade items instead of mass produced goods from factories.

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